

It is rare to witness virtually the birth of a company that immediately shows itself as something genuine and important, but such was the impact of the recently formed American Indian Dance Theatre on Thursday at the Beverly Theatre.

The 26-member troupe is unique in that it brings together for the first time in a theater a kaleidoscope of traditional Indian tribal dances ordinarily seen out of doors and on reservations.

More than merely fulfilling a historical or academic purpose, the program, staged by Hanay Geiogamah and choreographed by Raoul Trujillo, significantly dispelled any vague notions inherited from Hollywood films or National Geographic specials of what this dance is and clearly demonstrated what its power can be.


The selections included the weighty, dignified Traditional Women’s Dance; the playful, ingenious living sculptures of the Hoop Dance; the quickstepping Ladies’ Fancy Shawl Dance; the virtuosic, competitive rounds in the Pow Wow, and the soaringly imaginative Eagle Dance, among approximately 20 separate dances.

The quality of the dancing was authoritative, as many of the soloists are current major prize-winners in tribal competitions. But drawing upon older as well as younger dancers, the company also showed the dances to be part of a living community.

The accompaniment was mostly provided by drummers, who played a wide variety of compelling rhythms. One was particularly grateful to see them on stage, as their intense concentration reinforced the devotional, ceremonial aspects of the dances.


This is not to say that the program could not benefit from additional fine-tuning. Some of the more abstract, dramatic episodes did not always convey clearly focused intentions, and the ebb and flow within each of the two acts could use tightening. But these are rather minor quibbles. For once, the audience’s standing ovation at the end was deserved.

Sadly, what was originally announced as a three-night run was cut back to one because of poor advance tickets sales, according to a spokesperson for the company. Performances originally set for Friday night and tonight have been canceled. Let us hope that the company returns soon.
