
Hodel and the Ozone Layer

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If it were not for Hodel’s previous record, I would swear that he was joking. He proposes to allow the destruction of the ozone layer to continue and to protect ourselves with hats and sunglasses.

Does Hodel intend to supply every person on Earth with hats and sunglasses, or are non-Americans not worthy of consideration? This issue is not limited to a herd of caribou or a scenic wonder, but concerns the entire human race. Should thousands (or millions) of lives be sacrificed to preserve the Reagan Administration’s “philosophy” of non-government?

If human life means less to Hodel than business profits, consider the cost of caring for our new victims of skin cancer. Consider the billions of dollars’ worth of lost work and damaged crops and domestic animals. Will that strike a chord of understanding? Will anything?



La Jolla
