
L.A. Choice of Superintendent

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The former district superintendent listed the qualities expected of the incoming superintendent. In its selection of the superintendent, the district had an unprecedented opportunity to select one of its own whose qualities equal and surpass those listed by Johnston. Yet the board failed to acknowledge that fact.

As chairperson of Mayor Tom Bradley’s Education Advisory Committee and speaking as an individual who has been actively involved with representative community groups during the past 17 years, I notice that in the search for the selection of the new superintendent of the district, a significant part of the story has not been publicized, but has been widely discussed among district employees and community representatives.

The issue may not be limited to whether a black or Hispanic should have been selected but the pains to which the Board of Education went to select a non-district administrator. This remains a concern when there seems to be an obvious denial of recognizing leadership that does exist in the district.


Supported and persuaded by the firm of Korn Ferry and principally by its chief searcher, Ira Krinsky, who wanted to have the success of placing an outsider in the superintendent’s position for the first time in 35 years, the board excluded a most competent leader from the process.

Dr. Paul Possemato, associate superintendent, regarded as an instructional leader, innovator, trouble-shooter and excellent administrator, has the wide-ranging support of teachers, administrators and parents from all geographic areas, levels of instruction and socioeconomic backgrounds.

It would have been highly improbable for the Board of Education to have selected an outsider and an Anglo if Possemato, a respected and extremely qualified insider and Anglo, were a finalist and thus available.


Possemato has a reputation throughout the entire community for producing results with every student advocate program in the district with his involvement. On a national level his visionary plans for educational programs have been published in national journals and books.

Our students and community need the leadership that Possemato provides!


Playa del Rey
