
County : Agencies Told to Plan Staggered Work Hours

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Turning to their own backyard in an attempt to ease traffic problems, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday told county agencies and departments to come up with plans to stagger work hours for their 12,000 employees.

Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder said 68% of the county’s workers now commute to work Monday through Friday during the 7-to-8 a.m. rush hour.

“Alternative work hours for employees is a proven strategy for reducing peak hour traffic congestion through ‘demand management,’ ” Wieder said in a letter to the other supervisors. “The success of this strategy was clearly demonstrated during the 1984 Olympic Games.”


Wieder said that the county has been urging private companies to implement alternative work hours and that she believes that the county “should not only contribute to this effort but also set an example.”

The supervisors told the agency and department heads to come up with plans by Oct. 30 to implement staggered work hours for their employees wherever feasible.
