
New Mexico Motorists Exceeding 65 Limit

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Associated Press

A survey of New Mexico motorists two months after the state increased its speed limit to 65 m.p.h. shows that nearly half of the drivers are exceeding the higher limit, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported Thursday.

“Unfortunately, this is exactly what we expected. When the speed limits are raised, many motorists simply respond by going faster,” said Brian O’Neill, president of the insurance group.

Over strong insurance industry opposition, Congress earlier this year allowed an increase of the nationwide speed limit from 55 m.p.h. to 65 m.p.h. on rural stretches of interstate highway. Half of the 50 states have enacted the higher speed limit so far, an Associated Press survey indicates.


O’Neill said a statewide survey of New Mexico motorists last year when the speed limit was 55 m.p.h. showed 25% of the drivers exceeding 65 m.p.h.

The institute said a survey of motorists on rural interstate highways one week after the speed limit was raised showed 37% of the cars going faster than the new limit and 5% exceeding 70 m.p.h.

Eight weeks later, another survey at the same highway sites showed the percentage of drivers exceeding 65 m.p.h. had increased to 49% and those driving at least 70 m.p.h. had increased to 12%.
