
Shootings on Southland Freeways

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Unfortunately there are hundreds of drivers roaming the streets and freeways who have the same mentality as the two who have shot at other drivers recently. These are people who cannot stand to have another car in front of them.

These are the ones who are mentally too sick to realize that there are other lanes besides the one they are on, but instead drive up and tailgate those in front of them blinking, their lights and weaving from side to side trying to intimidate them into moving over.

If they don’t have their way (lane), they curse you, throw obscene gestures your way, and sometimes shoot you as we have seen. We need to have a system of identifying these driving misfits, then impound their cars and revoke their driving privileges in California. Let them travel by bus. We’d be better off with these jerks not driving on the streets and freeways.



