
And while we’re on the subject of...

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And while we’re on the subject of “Adventures in Babysitting”: The current myth that Hollywood is bursting with baby-faced film makers whose cultural signposts fall between the Beatles and the Beastie Boys came to mind when we spotted “Babysitting” director Chris Columbus’ recent comments to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Columbus, an industry vet at 28 (he wrote such pre-teen epics as “Goonies,” “Gremlins” and “Young Sherlock Holmes”), acknowledged that he shifted the emphasis of the film’s original screenplay from a naive 17-year-old babysitter to her shy 14- year-old charge.

Why? “I can only write stories or direct films about people having experiences that are my age or younger. . . . But I don’t need to work just with kids. I can work with people who are 25 or 27.”
