
The Sequel : NERD ISSUE

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“We’re not just software, we’re everywhere.” That’s the credo of the just-published “swimwear issue” of Nerd Life--put out by the “Nerd Task Force,” which is based somewhere over at 20th Century Fox. They’re the ones letting loose Friday’s release of “Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise.”

Sent this week to members of the press “and select industry-ites,” it features cover boy Lewis Skolnick (Robert Carradine), who’s also listed as the mag’s editor-in-chief. (“From now on, we’re not just a revolution--we’re a life style!”)

The glossy 16-pager includes an “Ask Poindexter” column, a poet’s column (“Ode to a Grecian Nerd”) and a pie-chart breakdown of the nerd dollar (38 cents goes to Marvel Comics; one cent to such things as insurance policies, clothing, girlfriend, grooming/personal hygiene, etc.).


Also featured: actor Larry B. Scott, back with his mincing caricature of Lamar, which some may find offensive. He has a limp-wristed two-page spread in Nerd Life on “How to Flirt,” batting his eyes and making kissy-kissy faces.
