
China House in Newport Beach

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As a native of California, born in Los Angeles and having spent a good part of my life in the Newport Beach area, I must put in my two cents worth to protest the demolition of the China House and its replacement with two modern structures blending in with the rest of the landscape--and meaning nothing.

We must save the China House. Newport doesn’t have much now to look back on.

I remember pointing out the China House to my children when we were sailing to Catalina. Now my children point it out to their children.

Take a harbor cruise trip and notice the interest of the tourists as they pass by. I have talked to people from the East, and the China House and the Pavilion are the points of interest they always remember.


The China House is a beautiful landmark of value. I hope that the committee will really consider what the memories and heritage are really worth.


Rancho Mirage, Calif.
