
How to Solve Traffic Tangles

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The Orange County Board of Supervisors’ historic effort to relieve our traffic congestion with its new “roads-first program” is appreciated and applauded by the Saddleback Area Coordinating Council. We have advocated the need for an aggressive comprehensive road construction program in the South County for the past two years.

In August of 1986, we called for a construction moratorium unless the county could deliver a program that would solve many of our transportation needs and be without cost to the existing residents. The supervisors, the development community and the county Environmental Management Agency staff listened and responded. The system does work!

Under the leadership of Gaddi H. Vasquez, 3rd District supervisor, our new roads-first program, including a temporary building moratorium until roads are under construction, has become an outstanding example of government responsiveness to the needs of its citizens and not just its special interest groups.




Saddleback Area

Coordinating Council
