
Pershing Square

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Public and private procrastination as to the downtown library and Pershing Square has left the city I love without a central library and without an inviting outdoor park. If the library was restored, Los Angeles would still be without a state-of-the-art library. Even the 1984 Olympics couldn’t rejuvenate Pershing Square.

I think these issues should be resolved together, to wit:

1. Construct a library which can safely showcase the entire library’s collection on the site of Pershing Square.

2. Create an inviting park on the grounds of the library’s present property.

3. Move the library’s murals, etc. to either L.A. International Airport or a museum.

4. Erect a monumental fountain on the grounds of the new park utilizing the library’s dome. Advantages would be a better library, a proud public piazza and no squabbling over real estate deals.



Los Angeles
