
‘Shopping for Car Insurance’

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Well, I’ve received my insurance premium for six months worth of insurance--enough is enough! Here is a scenario of the great insurance rip-off:

At 18 years old they told me wait until I’m 21 for lower rates.

At 21 they said age 25 is the magic number.

At 25 they said if I was married and owned a home my rates would be lower, now wait until you are 35 for lower premiums.

Well, now I’m past 35, married, own a home, no citations, no accidents, (in fear of making a claim if I ever have to), my car gets older and older (like me) and my rates go higher and higher!


Now the latest bamboozle comes with the passing of Proposition 51--they told us if it passed our rates would be lower. Well, it passed and my premiums have increased by 51%. Thank God they didn’t call it Proposition 151!

I urge everyone in this predicament (this has to be the majority of us) to pay your premiums in protest and send a copy of your bill to your state legislators to get something done about this out-and-out rip-off.


North Hollywood
