
Thanks to Those Who Helped

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A faceless and thankless job, that is the paramedics’. However, I want to thank the ones who came to my aid when I was involved in an auto accident about 5:15 p.m. on June 23 at De Soto Avenue and Superior Street in Chatsworth.

The office crew at Marshall Electronics Group called 911 and then came out to comfort me until the paramedics arrived.

The paramedics helped me out of my damaged car, placed me on a litter and gently lifted me into the ambulance, where they administered oxygen and monitored me until we arrived at the hospital. They helped place me on the bed and then left. Being dazed and in shock, all I could mutter was “thank you.” I do not know who these men are, but I want to extend my thanks and gratitude to them for being there when I needed them.


One has only to travel outside of this country to realize how great the United States and its people are. Our people become involved when the need arises.


