
Testimony Is Withdrawn By SDG

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Times Staff Writer

San Diego Gas & Electric on Friday withdrew disputed testimony that Victor Calvo, a former state Public Utilities Commission member, earlier had offered on behalf of SDG&E; during an electric rate-making hearing before the PUC.

SDG&E;’s withdrawal evidently ended a two-week dispute over Calvo’s testimony, which had been challenged by the Utility Consumers Action Network.

Earlier this month, UCAN alleged that SDG&E; violated a state law by presenting testimony from Calvo, who retired from the commission in December. The San Diego-based consumer group demanded that the PUC and the state Fair Political Practices Commission prohibit Calvo’s testimony.


SDG&E; withdrew Calvo’s testimony even though the PUC unanimously voted to accept the testimony as evidence in the hearing that will determine if SDG&E; overpaid for electricity that is imported into San Diego from Arizona and New Mexico on the Southwest Power Link transmission line.

The utility withdrew the former commissioner’s testimony, which focused on the regulatory history of the transmission line, with the hope that the case will be “resolved as soon as possible,” according to a spokesman.

UCAN Executive Director Michael Shames was not available for comment Friday.
