
Orange School Scandal Impact

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As an active parent and member of the PTA, School Site Improvement Project, steering committee, Elementary Advisory Council and numerous other community civic organizations, I must share my concern that the public has lost confidence in the authority of the Orange Unified School District board.

The negative impact of the fiscal improprieties and the related allegations reach out to touch every child, parent, staff and taxpayer in the district.

I hope that the four trustees under accusation by the Orange County Grand Jury will be proven to be merely inactive participants in the misappropriation of public funds and that they may prove their actions were less than grossly negligent. Guilt or innocence aside, public sentiment has come to the point of referring to the trustees in satirical terms--”Orangegate” or “Oro-Gate.”


It has become obvious that the four trustees are no longer able to effectively provide the necessary leadership and that, despite questions of guilt or innocence, they should consider immediate resignation prior to any judicial finding or community political response such as the proposed recall.

Should the grand jury action be sustained by the court, a quorum of the school board would lose office. This would require a special election at a cost of about $100,000 above and beyond the regular November election cost.

The senior board members should recognize the diminishment of their effectiveness and promptly resign. Until this step is taken, the effectiveness of the board remains at issue and the entire district and community subject to unnecessary divisiveness and potential cost.



