
Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Robert Bork

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Whenever a liberal Democrat promises a “full, fair and thorough hearing” for a conservative nominee, I brace for an ideological litmus test against the Old Left’s political agenda.

Is it not the height of hypocrisy for liberal Democrats to criticize a high court nominee as political, then measure that same nominee’s acceptability against an item-by-item set of their own tests? I submit that it is precisely hypocritical!

Liberals cry that confirming this nominee would set back the clock on social progress. But, more correctly, it is the liberals themselves who are now out of step with this country’s mainstream.


It is entirely possible liberal Democrats should look again at the larger, general public attitudes, rather than merely the vocal, influential and well-financed special interests. It is also possible that the Supreme Court nominee’s views are in full accord with the nation’s mainstream, whereas the liberals are out of step with reality!


