
Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Robert Bork

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Your “Hard-Right Rudder” editorial (July 2) is another example of man’s inhumanity to man under the guise of social progress. Your concern that a vote for Judge Bork would undo much of the social progress of the last three decades only confirms the fact that one man’s social progress can become another man’s social agony!

The Times believes the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortion is social progress. Actually, it’s worse than the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision that would have kept blacks in slavery! Roe vs. Wade doesn’t create slaves, it creates corpses! There will never be any declaration of equal rights for the millions of preborns that have been killed since 1973. The scandalous state of affairs exist now, and is getting worse thanks to editorials such as yours!

President Reagan is a man of courage. It’s his dream that Bork may reverse our shame. The Supreme Court must interpret the Constitution as it is, and not institute new laws that create havoc.



