
Pentagon Bars Van Nuys Contractor

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The Pentagon on Tuesday temporarily suspended ITT Corp.’s Gilfillan Division in Van Nuys from receiving military contracts because Gilfillan recently was indicted for conspiracy to defraud the Defense Department.

The suspension will remain until the case is decided, the Pentagon announced.

Representatives of Gilfillan, which primarily makes radar systems for the military, issued a statement saying, “We have every confidence that Gilfillan will be reinstated as a responsible contractor.”

Gilfillan spokesman Brian Eden said that, “at this point,” no work-force adjustments are expected.


The company employs about 1,900 with a contract backlog of about $300 million.

A grand jury in Boston indicted Gilfillan and one of its former marketing representatives June 24, saying they conspired to provide government employees with sports tickets and favors to obtain confidential information that Gilfillan used to aid its contract bids.

The government claims that, from 1983 to 1986, documents were obtained for Gilfillan relating to contracts for an $80-million missile-decoy system and for a $100-million air-traffic control system.
