
Between Brick, Hard Place in Hose Hunt

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Richard Thies of Long Beach would like to locate a red garden hose to go with his red brick patio, but he doesn’t even know if the item is being made. Can you help before Thies sees red, or will he be convinced that we are throwing cold water on an idea that simply won’t wash?

Ivan Zuzek of Arleta wants to know what happened to cotton-and-polyester fishnet undershirts ; the polypropylene type is not satisfactory to him. Can you help without taking the shirt off his back, or will the net result be that he’ll wonder whether somebody is pulling wool over his eyes?

Dorothy Wynns of Rancho Santa Margarita has been trying to pinpoint some Renuzit dry cleaner without success; the product comes in a pink gallon can. Can you help get Wynns off the spot, or will she never again be tickled pink because we’ve left her high and dry?


For two years, Betty Mayse of Lompoc has been searching for black-and-white carpets and throw rugs, but without success. Can you step on it and find a source, or will Mayse have to put her foot down so she won’t turn gray before her time?

Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Margaret at (213) 861-9822 needs the sheet music for voice and piano of “Never, Never, Never” ( “Grande, Grande, Grande” in Italian, she says) for use in her voice class. Please help, so that Margaret will always be able to name that tune.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.


T. S. King of Hollywood, who was looking for P & S Liquid scalp treatment, has since been joined in his search by Verne Stone of San Diego and Mrs. S. R. Thompson of San Marino. Our three readers can now stop scratching their heads over a source, because we have a number of locations. Closest to King is the Santa Fair Pharmacy, 7870 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles; so says pharmacist Ben Mervis. Other Los Angeles-area sources are Thrifty Drugs, 104 W. Anaheim St., Wilmington (from one of their pharmacists); North Val Pharmacy, 8816 Reseda Blvd., Northridge (from their pharmacist, Robert D. Mix), and Foster’s Pharmacy, 2637 Carson St., Carson (from that pharmacy’s Bill Hawthorne).

Jeane Bundy of Westchester says she bought P & S Liquid at Emerson’s Pharmacy in Westchester and later on at the AARP Pharmacy. A number of people wrote in to tell us that the product is available at Long’s Drug Stores. We even have a mail-order firm: Pat Ware of Glendora says to contact RX Allstates, Order-By-Mail Service Center, 360 W. Superior St., Chicago, Ill.

Here are three more local sources for high-quality serrated spoons. Wendell White of Vroman’s Silver Shop, 1748 S. Grand Ave., Glendora, says they carry several patterns of 1847 Rogers and Community silverplate. Two readers said they bought pearl-handle silver grapefruit spoons at David Orgell’s (five locations). Another good local source would be the Silver Lady, (213) 661-6279.


Alice Johnson of Fullerton, who was looking for Tinker Toys, may have to do some traveling before she can tinker with the product. Dorothy Nickerson of Santa Barbara says that Kernohan’s Toys & Gifts, 1231 State St., Santa Barbara, Calif. 93101, (805) 962-2695, carries two sizes, “beginning” and “basic,” at $8.98 and $11.98, respectively. The sets come from Playskool, Pawtucket, R.I. We also heard from a reader who has an antique Tinker Toy set and wants an antique price for it. If interested, give us a stamped, self-addressed envelope to toy with.

Barbara Steele, who was looking for a campaign-type pin depicting the California state flag, may soon be able to do some flag-waving herself. Helen Studwell of Newhall says that Sen. Bill Campbell sometimes hands out a cross pin of the American and California flags. He can be contacted at the State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif. 95814. We also heard from a political consultant who has several lapel-pin flags, including one of California. We have forwarded that information to Steele.

Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
