
Inouye Finds Poindexter’s Account ‘Mind-Boggling’

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United Press International

Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) acidly rebuked Rear Adm. John M. Poindexter’s attorney today for assailing the fairness of the congressional Iran- contra committees who said they found Poindexter’s testimony “incredible, mind-boggling, chilling.”

Inouye, chairman of the Senate panel, said Poindexter had told the committees he had withheld information from Congress, President Reagan, Cabinet secretaries and subordinates.

In light of these disclosures, he said: “I don’t think it’s improper for any member of this panel to characterize this testimony as incredible, mind-boggling, chilling. I think it all proper.”


Says He Complied

In rebuttal to Inouye’s observation that he had withheld critical information from Cabinet officers, Poindexter replied, “I didn’t withhold from them anything that they didn’t want withheld.”

Poindexter’s lawyer, Richard Beckler, had begun the day’s proceedings with a fiery protest over statements made by committee members to reporters in which they sharply questioned Poindexter’s credibility.

Rep. Louis Stokes (D-Ohio), Sen. William S. Cohen (R-Me.) and Sen. George J. Mitchell (D-Me.) all said Thursday that they had concerns about the accuracy of Poindexter’s statements to the committees since he began testifying Wednesday. (Story on Page 12.)


Stokes said Poindexter’s admission that he withheld information from Reagan about the diversion of Iran arms sale profits to the Nicaraguan rebels “doesn’t square with me.”

Could Influence Jury

Beckler said members’ statements could influence a federal grand jury that is examining criminal charges by special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh against Poindexter.

“This hallowed institution,” Beckler said, referring to Congress, “has the power to crush an individual if it wishes to unless the members show some restraint.”


Becker has taken a page from the book of Brendan Sullivan, attorney for ex-Poindexter aide Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, sounding much like his legal colleague in defending the second of the two star witnesses to appear at the Iran-contra hearings.

A former federal prosecutor, Beckler has repeatedly accused lawyers for the congressional committees of belaboring points and prejudging his client’s answers.

Complaint Registered

At one point Thursday, he complained that Congress has worked very closely with Walsh’s criminal investigation.

At another point, in response to yet another question about Poindexter’s admission that as Reagan’s national security adviser he destroyed a presidential “finding” approving an arms-for-hostages trade with Iran, Beckler jumped to his microphone at the witness table.

“Mr. Chairman, this question had been asked, over and over and over: ‘What is the reason why Adm. Poindexter destroyed that document?’ He admitted here openly (that) he destroyed it and he gave his reasons!” Beckler shouted.
