
“An Enemy Among Us,” which originally was...

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“An Enemy Among Us,” which originally was to be a “CBS Schoolbreak Special” for daytime airing next season, will instead be shown this week in prime time because of the urgency of its subject: AIDS.

Airing Tuesday from 8 to 9 p.m. on Channels 2 and 8, “An Enemy Among Us” presents frank information about AIDS in telling the story of a popular teen-ager who is exposed to the disease through a blood transfusion. Fear, concern and community ostracism follow.

Danny Nucci portrays the boy, Dee Wallace Stone plays his mother, and Gladys Knight appears as an immunologist and educator who helps the family and the community cope with AIDS. They are pictured on the cover.


Teen-age actor Nucci suspects viewers “will come to the show with the myths and confusion about AIDS in their minds. I hope that when it’s over, they’ll be a little less naive about the disease and that young people especially will think about their own behavior.”
