
Toll Roads in Orange County

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The recent decision to baptize Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle’s (R-Huntington Beach) bill to construct toll roads in Orange county underscores two facts of political life: Politicians ignore common sense through the communicable disease they acquire when elected, namely, arrogance, and, two, they have no common sense when it comes to constructing new schemes.

I am sure that if the issue of toll vs. fuel-tax supported superhighways were fully debated and explained to the public, most Californians would opt for maintaining the system that gave this state the best highways in the nation.

A billion-dollar price tag seems a lot, but not when distributed among 15 million Southern California vehicle owners. At 25 m.p.g. and 20,000 miles per year, 15 million vehicles would raise $1 billion at 5 cents per gallon.


If this scheme works, will traffic jams at the Grapevine toll plaza be far behind?



Independent Truckers Assn.

Los Angeles
