
A Last Gasp?

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Milton Moskowitz’s review of W. R. Read’s “Mortal Splendor: The American Empire in Transition” (The Book Review, July 5) is perceptive, particularly in spotting the crucial role of the Ivy League Establishment and even its last gasp in Read’s own views. From beginning to end the messianic self-regard of New England has orchestrated our brief performance on the world stage, blind to the fact that since 1898 we have been little more than a colonial outpost called upon to support Western European hegemony.

If there is a tricentennial anniversary of our founding documents, what do you bet it will be celebrated as a comic operetta featuring polyethnic tap-dancers for the amusement of Chinese and/or Soviet tourists? As a sort of tribute to our good intentions, I hope that lyrics will include a falsetto recitation of the Declaration of Independence.


El Centro
