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Both my wife, Dixie Carter, and I enjoyed reading Rosenfield’s article on show business couples.

There was a reference, however, that worries me a great deal--especially when my sailing friends read it. I am quoted as saying that, “I sailed around the world alone.” I didn’t.

To someone who doesn’t know that I am a sailor or care about such things, it doesn’t matter. But I greatly fear that a number of people whose opinion I value will read this totally erroneous statement and think I have turned into a fool.


I did sail alone in the 1980 Transpac race from San Francisco to Hawaii, and I have done quite a lot of other single-handed sailing of shorter duration.

But anyone who has sailed around the world alone is in a fraternity so elite and enviable that I would be ashamed to have my friends think I am claiming such a distinction.


Los Angeles
