
‘Whiz Kid’ Is No Phony

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What is the basis of your morbid and extraordinary fascination with Barry Minkow and ZZZZ Best?

For an endless period of time, predating the ZZZZ Best mini-scandal, various sections of The Times devoted so much space to the Wunderkind and his carpet-cleaning company that he could have dropped his abysmal commercials.

Are there no young Americans left deserving your praise now that the mighty moneymaker of this generation has fallen from grace?

Must we now be subjected to letters from friends of Minkow (Letters, June 14) referring to him as “a positive role model”? Two of the letters printed in the Business section that day were written by representatives of organizations that benefited from donations made by Minkow.


Instead of printing this kind of drivel, the business news department should be devoting space to those young business people and struggling enterprises truly needing recognition--those who “make money the hard way,” by earning it.


