
Immigrants and Single Parents

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There were two letters July 19 that caught my eye, one with which I agree and the other, “Choosing Single Parenthood,” that I cannot accept.

The latter is bitter, unfactual and wrong. What is the difference between a single woman choosing to bear and raise a child and a divorcee or a widow raising children without the help of a mate? A woman who decides to become a mother is generally fond of children and has accepted the expense and trouble that accompany motherhood.

The letter “Demonstration at Ezell’s House” states my views exactly, when the writer says that “anyone entering this country without permission is breaking the law, therefore, they must expect to pay the consequences.”


As for the divided family issue, I suggest that the family return to their home country and go about the often lengthy process of filling out the forms that will enable them to enter the United States legally. It may take four or five years, but they will be doing it as they should--legally.

And speaking of things legal, the voters of California stated their wishes that this be an English-speaking state. Why, then, do we still have bilingual classes? It seems to me that the school system is breaking the law in continuing such classes.


Laguna Hills
