
He Hit Dead End at Traffic School

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I have just gone through the traffic court system in Orange County, and I’m disgusted. Here’s my story. I’m sure there are thousands like it.

A few months back I was issued a speeding ticket by the Buena Park police for driving 57 m.p.h. in a 45-m.p.h. zone. The officers were driving in the opposite direction, but due to new, high-technology radar, they were able to determine my speed. Fine, I thought, I’ll just go to traffic school to keep it off my record.

After paying $39 in one court visit, I arrived early Saturday morning to find an incredibly long line for traffic school. Unlike other counties that offer long lists of traffic school locations, Orange County requires me to attend one of only four courthouse locations.


After waiting in line for 1 1/2 hours, it became apparent that not all of us would get inside. The court officials began selectively taking those people who had waited until the last possible Saturday. Those of us who came a week or more before our deadlines were turned away. The procrastinators were rewarded.

Why is it that today’s technology allows the police to gauge our speed, even though they’re driving in the opposite direction, while the court officials can’t even count how many seats are available for traffic school?

Why is it that those who cheat and cut in line and those who wait until the last day are rewarded with the opportunity to attend traffic school?


Why is it that Orange County can’t deal with this problem by offering more traffic school locations, as Los Angeles County has done?

Maybe I’ll find out next Saturday when I try again.


