
India President Sworn, Says He Seeks Harmony

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From Reuters

India’s new president was sworn in Saturday and immediately made it clear that he wants an end to friction between his office and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Ramaswamy Venkataraman, taking over from the outgoing Zail Singh, who repeatedly crossed swords with Gandhi, said he would try to halt an “erosion of confidence” that is damaging institutions and relationships in India.

“We cannot afford to waste time, energy or materials on internecine quarrels,” the 76-year-old Venkataraman said in a somber inaugural speech watched by Gandhi and Singh and a packed audience in Parliament’s wood-paneled central hall.


Disapproved of Singh

Venkataraman, vice president during Singh’s five-year term, was elected president this month with Gandhi’s support. He has made it clear that he disapproves of Singh’s political involvement in the post.

The president of India is chief of state and supreme commander of the armed forces but under the constitution has no direct role in politics or the government of the country.

Singh, a colorful and controversial figure as India’s first Sikh president, sported his customary red rose, snappy white turban, tunic and tight pants as he bowed out of office and a 21-gun salute greeted his successor.


Snub at Departure

Venkataraman’s first action after being sworn in by Chief Justice R.S. Pathak and wiping away tears was to deliver an apparent snub to the departing Singh.

Calling Singh a “shining star” of the independence struggle 40 years ago, Venkataraman then pointedly omitted him from a list of “eminent presidents” whose example he hoped to follow.
