
Cypress : ‘Clinic’ Was Front for Prostitution, Police Say

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An Oriental “pain clinic” actually was a front for a prostitution service in Cypress and Anaheim, Cypress police said Sunday. A weekend raid resulted in 27 arrests and 23 of those arrested were male customers. police said.

Following a two-week surveillance, officers from both Cypress and Anaheim on Saturday raided the Oki Pain Clinic at 4682 Lincoln Ave. in Cypress and a residence at 3169 W. Lincoln Ave. in Anaheim that police alleged was allied with the “clinic.”

Cypress Police Sgt. Ray Peterson said two men were arrested on suspicion of pimping and pandering. They were identified as Kosuke Maekawa, 56, and Yoshio Yanagida, 51, both of whom live in the West Lincoln Avenue residence in Anaheim.


Peterson said that officers, armed with search warrants, raided the two places about 5 p.m. Saturday. He said the police were in plainclothes and that after initial arrests, the officers remained, acting as if they were managing the operation. More customers were arrested as they came in Saturday night, Peterson added.

He said 12 customers were arrested at the Cypress location and 11 at the Anaheim site. All 23 were cited for solicitation of prostitution, Peterson said. Two women, whose identities were not immediately available, were booked on suspicion of prostitution.
