
Nuclear War

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At the recent IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) 7th Congress in Moscow, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev stated very emphatically that the Soviets will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. Chernoble taught them that the uncontrollable fallout will devastate everyone, indiscriminately.

Yet the present Administration continues to instill fear in the American people that we need to have first-strike capability plus the SDI program to protect us from the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is slowly departing from its paranoia, while we are becoming more and more paranoid without cause.

The people of this country and the vast majority of our scientists and defense experts have stated over and over again that there is no security in a first-strike capability, and that SDI will never work. President Reagan is clamoring for a reduction in wasteful government spending, yet he insists on wasting billions of dollars on his so-called “Star Wars” program that just can’t work.


How meaningful is freedom of speech and expression in a democracy if the people in our government insist in having things their way regardless of the will of the majority as indicated in the Iran- contra scandal, and in the on-going SDI security farce?


Santa Barbara
