
In Ireland, 250,000 Greet Roche

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The capital of Ireland came to a virtual standstill Monday as 250,000 people welcomed home Stephen Roche, the first Irishman to win the 25-day, 2,485-mile Tour de France bicycle race.

O’Connell Street, Dublin’s most famous thoroughfare, was packed with crowds up to 20 deep to see the 27-year-old cyclist as he was driven in triumph through his native city.

The six-mile route from Dublin’s airport to the city center was lined by enthusiasts. A convoy of police on horseback and three buses took almost half an hour to negotiate O’Connell Street’s 200 meters because of the sheer pressure of well-wishers, many waving the green, white and orange tricolor.


Motorists sounded their horns in salute as Roche and his French wife, Lydia, passed by, carrying the Tour de France winner’s yellow jersey.

After being joined by Dublin’s municipal leaders, Roche was driven to the headquarters of the Irish government to be congratulated again by Premier Charles Haughey, who had flown to Paris for the end of the race Sunday.
