
Immigration Law

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Many recent articles in The Times have discussed the problems faced by California farmers under the new immigration law. The theme seems to be that the fruit, vegetables, etc., will not get harvested because illegal aliens will not be available to work the fields. If that’s the case, the farmers of this state have to be poor managers.

I seem to remember various programs over the past 35 years, aimed at aiding farmers, such as the bracero program. How come, after all these years and all the failed stop-gap measures, these champions of private enterprise have not prepared for such problems? Like paying living wages, spending some of their income on labor-saving devices, etc. The farmers get special breaks on cheap labor, cheap water (subsidized by ordinary taxpayers who pay high rates!) and when a problem for which they have made no preparation occurs, they run to the government for help!

Where does a person running a small business go when he has such problems to help him avoid bankruptcy?


Isn’t it about time these private enterprise specialists decided to either perform as private businesses or admit they are a type of subsidized socialized business? These business people and the representatives of the Reagan Administration, such as Republican Sen. Pete Wilson, are always telling us we have to get the government off the backs of business. How about now?


