
The Region : Police Arrest 34 at Airport

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Police arrested 34 anti- contra activists as they entered the grounds of the California Air National Guard base at Van Nuys Airport to protest U.S. military aid to the Nicaraguan contras. About 250 members of Pledge of Resistance staged the protest, which drew a counterdemonstration by about 50 contra supporters from the International Human Rights Watch. The rival protesters exchanged shouts, the anti-contras yelling “CIA out of Nicaragua,” and the contra supporters yelling back “KGB out of Nicaragua.” The event ended without violence. The arrestees were handcuffed and taken to the Van Nuys jail where they were charged with trespassing or failure to disperse and released. The protest was held at the base because the Van Nuys-based 146th Tactical Airlift Wing has been flying supply and diplomatic missions in Central America.
