
President Will Be in Town, but He’ll Miss GOP’s Party

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As usual, President Ronald Reagan will be around town later this month--but he won’t be making his usual, almost-annual appearance at the annual state GOP fund-raising gala. Reagan turned down the request to be the centerpiece at the Aug. 24 Century Plaza event for the state Republican party--even though he’ll be nearby at his Santa Barbara ranch vacationing. What’s really rankling the local party faithful is that Reagan will make an appearance in L.A. just two days later--but to address Town Hall.

The White House is limiting the President’s political-cum-fund-raising appearances to four this fall, insiders say, and also point to First Lady Nancy as the one who’s holding down the First Husband’s appearances. Don’t expect any of the four “political appearances” to be in California. One already set is for Mississippi GOP gubernatorial candidate Jack Reed . . . What the state GOP dinner will feature is a tribute to former senator, now White House Chief of Staff Howard Baker. One dinner intimate said that “given the choice between the President and Howard, Baker is a better draw. He’s ‘at the throne,’ he’s very reassuring, and both Democrats and Republicans want to see him.”

HAPPY, HAPPY--Joan Collins is so, so happy that her prenuptial agreement has been upheld--even though more legal battles loom--that she went right out and gave herself a party Saturday night. The glitz group that Collins travels in showed up at her new home--the old Laurence Harvey home high in Beverly Hills--to celebrate in, as-ordered, “casual-elegant attire for the ladies” (in this crowd, that translates as sporty diamonds). Sandra Moss, on the arm of Coastal Commissioner Mark Nathanson, wore a silver-and-gold lame outfit from “Dynasty” designer Nolan Miller. The hostess, in a knockout blue cocktail dress, showed off her lavish peach Alexis-style bedroom to “Dynasty” producer Aaron and Candy Spelling. (He asked Collins, “Did I build this?”) Marvin and Barbara Davis (in a discreet green print dress), Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (a Collins devotee), Jacqueline Bisset and Alexander Godunov, Morgan Fairchild, Angie Dickinson, Alan Carr, Tina Sinatra, Swifty and Mary Lazar, bronze god George Hamilton (without his tan-mate, La Liz Taylor), his former wife Alana Stewart and producer Esther Shapiro ate Mexican food and cheered Joan on her victory. Also chowing down--James Healey, who is set this season to save Alexis from the river this fall. If it’s not one plot twist, it’s another.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY--And please pass some of the 8,500 portions of gefilte fish. That’s how much the Jewish Homes for the Aging prepare annually to meet the dietary needs of nearly 900 residents. On Sept. 13, the Homes celebrate a 75th anniversary, with Diahann Carroll and Vic Damone entertaining and Monty Hall emceeing. The party, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, takes place on what also happens to be National Grandparents Day--and will include in the audience more than a dozen residents of the Homes who are aged 90 and up. Joseph and Barbara Factor Bentley are co-chairing the event.

D.C. DOINGS--Organizers say the Oct. 11 march on Washington demanding more money for AIDS treatment, care and prevention will turn out at least 225,000 protesters. On Oct. 13, the Tuesday following the march, a cordon of hundreds of people are pledged to engage in what organizers say will be acts of civil disobedience . . Look for former People for the American Way President Tony Podesta to take a major role on the (of course) liberal side in upcoming judiciary battles on Capitol Hill, including the expected fight over the Supreme Court nomination of Court of Appeals Justice Robert Bork.

SAVE THE DATE--Master of Properties Carmine Marinelli, who runs the most popular by-invitation-only downtown dining experience in his backstage office at the Music Center, branches out Oct. 11. That’s when he organizes a benefit for St. Peter’s Church at the Casa Italian, 571 North Broadway. “The ladies do the cooking,” the Prince of Pasta and Properties tell us. And whatever famous composers happen to be in town will show up. Ah, pass the sausages.


KUDOS--To the clever Jackie Applebaum and her cohort Liz Familian. They’re now including political events in their wondrous L.A. Master Planner and thus make the political-social whirl at least slightly easier to figure out . . . To the whole crowd at Along Came Mary, especially exec chef Bill Starbuck and owner Mary Micucci, for organizing Saturday’s third annual “summer fantasy” benefit for AIDS Project/L.A. and raising more than $85,000. And kudos to the dozens of chefs and caterers who pitched in . . . To Neile McQueen Toffel and her brand-new granddaughter, Molly McQueen Flattery, whom her dancing grandma describes as “gorgeous” . . . To Trumps’ chef Michael Roberts, who managed while turning out thousands of chi-chi meals to also churn out 300-plus pages and finish his first cook book this past month.

OUT FOR THE COUNT--Sylvester Stallone certainly has joined the ranks of the town’s leading bachelors. He picked up his unofficial membership card by showing up at glitzy hang-out Nicky Blair’s on Sunset Strip late last week. At a family party--he flew in Papa Stallone from the East Coast for a surprise birthday party for brother Frank--Sly was a solicitous but unescorted host. Also solo at the party, the yummy Mickey Rourke. Also in the bachelor ranks at Nicky’s last week were George Hamilton and Clint Eastwood.
