
No Harmless Mistake

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Regarding the stories about the pipe bomb death in San Diego.

Mr. Donald Smith states about his son’s involvement in the recent pipe bomb accident that “it was just a mistake, and once the whole story comes out, people will see what a harmless mistake it was. The kids just made a mistake, like kids will.”

This was not a “harmless mistake.” Kevin Michael Ham is dead. Deputy Coroner George Dickason described Kevin Michael Ham as having suffered “multiple trauma, massive damage to all extremities, the chest and abdomen, and injuries to the head as well. This does not sound like a “harmless mistake” to me.

I grieve Kevin Michael Ham’s death because his future potential and contributions to our society will never be realized. I never knew him, but his death upset me because of his age and the circumstances behind it. It was a waste of a promising life. But the accident was not a “harmless mistake.” I ask that Mr. Smith please re-evaluate his judgment of this tragic accident.



San Diego
