
Big Party Planned at Chinese Coal Mine

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Following his usual frenetic schedule, worldwide philanthropist Dr. Armand Hammer will be going to some big parties and openings in September. No, not art shows. This time the events are in China and celebrate the opening of the world’s largest coal mine.

Hammer and his wife Frances have assembled a brand-name group of local partyers and colleagues to take along on the China circuit--including Abigail Van Buren and Morton Phillips, Occidental President Ray and Joan Irani, Rosemary Tomich, Dorothy and Paul Hebner and former Metromedia chairman John and Patricia Kluge.

In a phone interview, the ebullient Hammer said the opening “is the greatest joint venture in all of China.” In addition to the coal mine--producer of 15 million tons a year--a “village” of 17,000 people has been constructed, all since July, 1985. Occidental’s partner is the Bank of China--”the best partner in the world to have. They have billions of dollars of deposits all over the world.”


Hammer said the opening for the deal came when he met Chinese officials seven years ago at a Houston rodeo, where they were being hosted by Texas oil producers. There he was introduced to Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. As Hammer related it, when the interpreter gave his name, Deng said, “You don’t have to introduce Dr. Hammer to China. We all know you. You are the man who helped Lenin when Russia needed help. Now you must come to China to help us.”

Hammer said he told the Chinese leader that there were some problems--like the fact China does not permit private planes. Details were worked out, and four separate agreements were made, including the proposed coal mine.

After traveling to the Shanxi Province to the mine site, the two private planeloads of Americans will return to Beijing for what Hammer said will be a “great time. We usually have a big banquet in the Great Hall.”

And, of course, the indefatigable Hammer said he would be back to at least catch part of the visit of Pope John Paul II that is scheduled for September.

KITTY NOTES--What a surprise to get a nice note from Santa Barbara political activist and social maven Betty Stephens. She and her husband John have been bright lights in the Democratic Party and on the S.B. social scene for many years. Only thing is, the note from Betty came in a bag of kitty litter. That’s right: “You have just purchased the finest cat litter money can buy!” it begins. Stephens is v-p of consumer affairs for Jonny Cat, which the Stephenses own.

MONSTER MASH--So very crowded at the Hard Rock Cafe Tuesday night with ghoul aficionados, as “The Monster Squad” film from Tri-Star (opening today) got its hyper kick-off. While across town the Bolshoi did its cultural bit, here it was all Hollywood--fake cobwebs draped everywhere, vampire teeth in the Statue of Liberty, monsters mixing with celebs and lots of second-generation Hollywood types, like Drew Barrymore and Wasserman grandchildren Carole Lief and Casey Myers, like Arnold Schwarzenegger there with brother-in-law Anthony Shriver (both he and Lief are at Georgetown), two Sophia Loren offspring (Carlo Ponti Jr. and Eduardo) and “Lost Boys” star Jason Patric, with Michael Keaton, Billy Crystal, Alana Hamilton Stewart and Michelle Phillips with son Austin.


MONSTER POLITICS--Insiders say Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Mike Roos, probably proving some kind of trickle-down theory, will raise close to $500,000 at his Thursday-night benefit at the Frank Sinatra-Sammy Davis opening night at the Greek Theatre. Tina Sinatra and Altovise Davis are “co-hostesses” for the event, and the benefit committee includes attorney Jack Quinn, Georgia Frontiere, mega-lawyer Neil Papiano, investment banker Grover McKean and coastal commissioner Mark Nathanson. Cocktails and dinner precede. For $1,000, what else?
