
One Man’s Passage

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One of the most inspirational and spiritual articles The Times has ever printed.

That was my response to “My Passage Through AIDS,” although as a lifelong heterosexual with a monogamous relationship with the same woman in 25 years of marriage, I am in a low-risk group.

My church teaches me that there is the Christ-spirit within everyone. Yet I have not always felt so kindly toward homosexuals.

So I am indebted to Hank Koehn for helping me heal myself. In his travail, he discovered many of the metaphysical teachings, which I have studied for years, but which have slipped from me over the last year or two. In his deeply perceptive essay, Koehn has given me a new lease on life.


As St. Paul said: “For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face.” Koehn apparently has seen “face to face” and he ends life on a triumphant note.


Los Angeles
