
Dana Point : Californian to Get Permanent Anchorage

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The state’s official tall ship, the Californian, no longer will have to use her own anchors when she docks at Dana Point Harbor.

The Nautical Heritage Society, which initiated the building of the Californian four years ago and now oversees her operation, today will place permanent anchors on the sea floor for the 146-foot replica of an 1848 revenue cutter.

“She does frequently stop here (Dana Point Harbor), but now she will have a safe and permanent mooring,” said Rusty White, the society’s director of operations.


The Navy donated the surplus mooring, which consists of two, 10,000-pound anchors, two large floating buoys, and the chains to connect them.

A harbor crew is scheduled to plant the anchors and buoys today under the supervision of the harbor master, White said.

The Californian is scheduled to sail into Dana Point Harbor on Aug. 28 and test her new moorings.
