
Deliver the Facts

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In answer to your editorial on the demise of the SANDER trash-burning plant, I want to point out two errors. Dr. Charles Edwards, president of Scripps Clinic, withdrew his support after becoming better informed on the health effects from plant emissions.

The second error was your statement “that this is the kind of issue the public is least capable of deciding.” When the news media informs the public of the true cost in dollars and the true facts about the relationship between plant emissions and health effects, the decision will be easy. The public needs to know the truth to make a wise decision and the information is important to print in our democracy.

The American Lung Assn., Allergy Society and more than two dozen doctors from many hospitals oppose trash-burning plants because of their harmful emissions.


The alternative to trash incinerators is recycling, reusing, composting and buying products that last. Isn’t this better than breathing seven tons of pollutants each day?

Trash is a $10-billion industry that makes a fortune for a few. Community after community are turning down these plants when they learn the true expense in dollars and health effects. I hope your editorial staff will help deliver the facts.


San Diego
