
Santa Ana’s Billboard Plan

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In the Orange County Section last Monday (Aug. 17), there was a brief article about the City of Santa Ana proposing a billboard law limiting size and placement of billboards.

Naturally the billboard companies are fighting this tooth and nail. A member of a billboard agency said, “If passed, there is no street in the city where we could place billboards.”

Hooray! I hope this passes. And I hope that other cities follow suit. Think how much improved our cities would be without billboards. Companies could advertise via TV, newspapers--anything that does not make our cities ugly. After this passes, then the cities could follow Pasadena and add a bit to each electric bill, using the money to put all wires underground.


Imagine a city with no billboards and no multitudes of overhead wires! Plant trees, make a law that all parking lots must plant trees. Cities could be lovely. What a wonderful thought! Let us hope that it isn’t just a dream, but a start to making our ugly streets green and beautiful.


Laguna Hills

