
Webb to Build Retiree Homes in Las Vegas

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Del E. Webb Corp. plans to build a $500-million, 3,100-unit Sun City retirement community in Las Vegas that will house about 5,600 people over the age of 45 when completed in the mid-1990s.

Construction at the site, about eight miles northwest of downtown Las Vegas, will begin by the end of this year. The first homes are expected to go on sale in November, 1988, with prices ranging from $70,000 to $150,000.

Webb, a Phoenix-based real estate firm, purchased the 1,050-acre site from the Howard Hughes Properties’ subsidiary of Summa Corp., one of Nevada’s largest landowners.


Webb built the Sun City and Sun City West developments in Phoenix, and is building another retirement community near Tucson, Ariz.

A company official said the firm is searching for additional sites in California, Texas and New Mexico. He said the firm hopes to announce its next site by the end of 1988.
