
A new program to fight drug use...

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A new program to fight drug use among track athletes, including a two-tiered penalty system and plans for year-round random tests at meets and practice sites, was adopted by the International Amateur Athletic Federation, the sport’s governing body, at its annual meeting in Rome.

The new system of penalties is based on a model code adopted earlier this year by the International Olympic Committee. It sets up two levels of drug use, one involving medication that might incidentally affect performance as it treats a legitimate ailment, the other for substances such as steroids that would be taken solely to gain an edge.

For athletes who test positive for the first group of drugs, a first offense will bring a six-month suspension from competition, with penalties becoming more severe for repeated violations. If an athlete tests positive for drugs in the performance-enhancing category, a first offense would bring a two-year suspension, with a life ban following a second offense.
