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So now we know the reason for many of those box-office bombs.

One is left wondering what qualifications one needs to become a “D-Girl,” apart from their sex and a nice smile. Nowhere do we learn of any training they have undergone, or of any background in film making or film marketing.

They talk blandly about subjects that “strike me emotionally” and have “strong characters” in “unforgettable moments of time,” but not one speaks of the visual interpretation of the script, and it is doubtful if one of them is capable of viewing a script with a director’s eye.

At least one of them was honest enough to tell me, after submitting a subject that depicted the disruption in the personal lives of her male colleagues by the appointment of an ambitious female executive to a company, “It’s a good story but you haven’t a chance of getting it made because all the script editors are female.”


And that sums up the problem with Hollywood today.


West Hollywood
