
Governor Draws List of Treasurer Candidates

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Times Staff Writer

Gov. George Deukmejian said Friday that he is compiling a “short list” of candidates from which he will select his nominee to succeed the late Jesse M. Unruh as state treasurer.

Deukmejian said he intends to conduct “very, very extensive” background investigations of several applicants for the job before recommending his choice to the Legislature sometime this fall.

“The person I appoint, I want that person not only to be qualified for the job but I also want to be sure they have an outstanding reputation and background and there are no conflicts of interest of any kind,” said the governor, speaking with reporters after touring a senior citizens center in North Hollywood.


No Names Given

Deukmejian did not name any of those he is considering to replace Unruh, who was first elected to the post in 1974 and died Aug. 4. But aides previously have said the governor wants to choose an electable Republican who would run for a full term in 1990, rather than a “caretaker” who merely would serve in the office until the next election.

Those mentioned most often as potential nominees include state Sens. Ken Maddy (R-Fresno), Robert G. Beverly (R-Manhattan Beach), William Campbell (R-Hacienda Heights), John Seymour (R-Anaheim) and Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach); U.S. Rep. Daniel E. Lungren (R-Long Beach); Los Angeles County Supervisor Peter Schabarum and San Diego financier Tom Stickle, a Deukmejian political backer.

Maddy told reporters in Sacramento on Friday that he has informed Deukmejian he wants the job but that he has gotten no indication of what his chances are.


“I wish he (Deukmejian) would give a hint, but he hasn’t,” Maddy said.

Not in a Hurry

Deukmejian said he was in no hurry to announce his choice.

“We have received a number of requests from individuals to be considered and we also have received recommendations from others,” he said. “I’ll be looking at that list and in the near future . . . I’ll go through that and sort of come up with a short list.”

The Republican governor said that the Democrat-controlled Legislature would have “plenty of time” to review his selection, although it is expected to come after the lawmakers adjourn for the year Sept. 11. Constitutional guidelines give the Legislature 90 days to reject the governor’s nominee. If that period elapses while the Legislature is out of session, lawmakers will have six days to review the nomination after they return in January.

“I’m not going to do anything that is in effect going to jam them,” Deukmejian said. “They will no doubt know who the nominee is long before they come back into session, so they’ll have ample opportunity to review that person’s background.”
