
Support for Police

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The San Diego Police Department has not had very good press lately. It is quite easy to get caught up in the highly charged emotional issues surrounding the Sagon Penn case. It is the type of situation that creates a divided community. But we should never forget that there are many dedicated men and women who make up our local police force. And they are willing to go to any length to make our city a safer place in which to live.

San Diego is growing very rapidly. More so than is humanly possible to keep pace with. But our Police Department is constantly revaluating the new and continuing problems of the various types of crime that plague our city and are constantly retraining men and women of the department to deal effectively with the many problems facing our growing city. It is, at times, a very dangerous and difficult job.

The other day, on West Point Loma Boulevard, during heavy rush-hour traffic, I witnessed a two-car accident. One of the cars had left the roadway and slammed against a palm tree, pinning the female passenger in the car. She obviously was seriously injured. Crouched down next to the side of the car was a San Diego police officer. He was talking to the injured woman trying to ease her hysteria until paramedics could arrive. Another officer drove up and immediately set out flares to redirect traffic.


This is a common scene in San Diego today with the increased amount of traffic, especially during the height of the tourist season. And until I was walking by this particular situation, I never thought much about all of the important work that is done by the Police Department. With the hurried existence we live today, I think that we all take these services for granted until we need them. The next time you hear yourself complaining about the cop who gave you the ticket for some driving violation, remember to stop and just imagine what our city, or any city, would be like without adequate police protection. And then bless the men and women who wear their uniforms every day with pride in their community and an honest attitude to improve the quality of life for all San Diegans.


San Diego
