
Trash Plant Warning

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As a physician specializing in allergic and arthritic disorders and as a resident of North County, I have serious concerns over the near- and long-term health consequences of the proposed trash-to-energy plant.

It seems to me we know far too little about the effects of air pollutants, especially dioxins and heavy metals, on our health and quality of life. More research is needed. The San Diego Allergy Society, of which I am a member and past president, has gone on record as being against the plant.

Furthermore, it seems appropriate not to be just opposed to an imperfect solution to the trash problem, but to seek out and be for a safer and more practical alternative, such as a possible biological approach.


I urge the citizens of the City of San Marcos to familiarize themselves with the facts, differentiate them from opinions, and then vote their consciences on Measure A. Clearly, the issue should be decided, not on the financial benefits to the City of San Marcos and to the North County Resource Recovery Assn., but on the health and safety of the residents of the entire North County who stand to breathe the “second-hand smoke” of the proposed trash-burning plant.


San Marcos
