
Fullerton : $8,000 Being Sought for Veterans Memorial

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Supporters of a project to build a granite memorial to military veterans are more than two-thirds of the way to their fund-raising goal. Nearly $8,000 more is needed to build the memorial in Hillcrest Park, according to Dotti Keegan, chairwoman of the memorial project. Most of the $21,000 collected thus far has been from individuals, so Keegan said she hopes that “corporate directors who live or work in Fullerton will rally to the cause.”

The Fullerton Emblem Club joined forces with the city to build a new memorial last year, after club members learned that the existing World War II memorial--a carved slab of redwood--is decaying.

For the new stone, Emblem Club members have collected more than 100 names of Fullerton residents who died in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Those wishing to add names or donate to the memorial can write the Fullerton Emblem Club Veterans Memorial, P.O. Box 3401, Fullerton 92634.
