
Judge Bork’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing

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I belong to that liberal group that was bombarded with seemingly convincing arguments that our nation was at peril if Bork won the nomination. Thus I responded to appeals for funds.

Then I decided I would listen to the hearings, not only in snatches on the news hours, but from early morning to late afternoon in order to form my own opinion. What impressed me more and more was the way Bork refuted in a logical way all the allegations made by his detractors--his argument that it is a very different thing to write provocative articles as a professor or make decisions as a judge. I can also buy the argument that a man can change his opinion over the years and did not have the impression he did it only to be confirmed.

I was impressed with his intellectual superiority, how calmly he listened to the accusations by Sens. Kennedy and Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio). I was so impressed with his knowledge and understanding of the law. However, I shall continue to listen and keep an open mind. The article “Bork” (Opinion, Sept. 20) was excellent and should be read by all Bork opposers, as well as the article by Charles Krauthammer.



Los Angeles
