
‘N Word Should Be Odious From Anyone’

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Fairchild makes the common mistake of attacking anti-black racism with pro-black racism. Fairchild should have realized that raising one ethnic group above others is as damaging as putting one ethnic group down. Racism is racism.

Particularly, he states, “A need exists to reinstill black pride and black consciousness in the black population. Positive African images must be propagated . . . so that (black) children will once again select the black doll (over the white doll).” Fairchild seems not to understand that such a selection does not end racism, but rather promotes African values over all other value systems. Racism will end when a child can choose a black doll, a white doll, an Asian doll, or whatever doll he or she darn well pleases, without people, psychologists included, reminding him or her what color it is.


