
Anaheim : Demonstrator Arrested at GOP Convention

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A demonstrator at the state GOP convention was arrested after trying to distribute literature in the hallways of the Anaheim Hilton and Towers, authorities said Sunday.

Anaheim police said Ezola Foster, chairwoman of Black Americans for Family Values and a member of the American Assn. for Women, was trying to pass out flyers urging the GOP to label AIDS education as pornography and to disallow homosexual Republican groups.

Foster and about 35 others were demonstrating Saturday outside the main meeting room of the convention, where Gov. George Deukmejian was speaking to delegates, police said.


When Foster, 49, of Marina del Rey, refused security guards’ request to leave the hotel, she was arrested and charged with trespassing, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace, police said.

She was released Saturday afternoon after posting bail of $500, they said. Foster could not be reached for comment Sunday.
